
Dental Crowns Essex

Effective restorative treatments for restoring your smile back to health.

Children’s Dentistry
Emergency Dentist
Extractions & Oral Surgery
Root Canal Treatment

What are crowns, inlays and onlays for?

Crowns, onlays and inlays restorations are commonly used to restore badly broken down teeth, or teeth that are at risk of fracture.

With a crown, the tooth will be reduced in height and circumferentially to allow a full-coverage restoration to be conventionally cemented on.

With an inlay, the filling is removed and the tooth refined to allow for an impression to be made. The inlay will then be fabricated in a dental lab and cemented into place. They are used when replacing very large fillings which can no longer be filled using conventional ‘direct’ filling methods.

With an onlay, the top of the tooth is cut down and a light preparation elsewhere to restore what is lost and protect what remains. Onlays are the restoration of choice as they require a lot less tooth removal.

The amount of reduction depends on the material being used to make the crown, with porcelain requiring more space than metal. With crowns, studies state that there is a 1 in 5 risks of the tooth requiring root canal treatment within the first 5-10yrs. This is greatly reduced if an onlay is opted for.

Book your consultation for Dental Crowns

What does the treatment involve?

The process requires at least two appointments. At the first appointment the tooth is prepared, moulds/records taken and the tooth will be protected with a temporary restoration. The moulds and records are sent to a dental lab and the finished restoration is returned to the dentist after 2 weeks. At the fitting appointment, the temporary is removed and the new restoration is checked before it is fitted.

Before the treatment is undertaken we will assess the tooth and take x-rays as required. After the final restoration is fitted it is extremely important to maintain good hygiene and attend regular check-ups/hygiene visits to ensure it lasts as long as possible.

If you would like further information, click here or request an appointment by calling 01277 500 332

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